float64 1
⌀ | answerid
float64 1
⌀ | scenario
stringclasses 18
values | intent
stringlengths 3
| status
stringclasses 6
values | answer_annotation
stringlengths 1
⌀ | notes
nulllengths 4
⌀ | suggested_entities
stringlengths 4
⌀ | answer_normalised
stringlengths 1
⌀ | answer
stringlengths 1
⌀ | question
stringlengths 20
⌀ | answer_de
stringlengths 1
⌀ |
1 | 1 | alarm | set | null | wake me up at [time : five am] [date : this week] | null | date, time | wake me up at five am this week | wake me up at 5am this week | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: to set an alarm. | Wecken Sie mich diese Woche um 5 Uhr morgens |
1 | 2 | alarm | set | null | wake me up at [time : nine am] on [date : friday] | null | date, time | wake me up at nine am on friday | wake me up at 9am on Friday | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: to set an alarm. | Wecken Sie mich am Freitag um 9 Uhr |
1 | 3 | alarm | set | null | set an alarm for [time : two hours from now] | null | date, time | set an alarm for two hours from now | set an alarm for two hours from now | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: to set an alarm. | einen Wecker für zwei Stunden ab jetzt stellen |
1 | 31 | audio | volume_mute | null | quiet | null | player_setting | quiet | Olly quiet! | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to mute the speakers. | Olly, sei still! |
1 | 32 | audio | volume_mute | IRR_XL | stop | null | player_setting | stop | Stop! | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to mute the speakers. | Stopp! |
1 | 33 | audio | volume_mute | null | pause for [time : ten seconds] | null | player_setting | pause for ten seconds | Olly pause for ten seconds | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to mute the speakers. | Olly hält für zehn Sekunden inne |
1 | 37 | iot | hue_lightchange | null | [color_type : pink] is all we need | null | color_type | pink is all we need | pink is all we need | How would you ask your PDA to change the light colors? | Rosa ist alles, was wir brauchen. |
1 | 38 | iot | hue_lightchange | null | make the lighting bit more [color_type : warm] here | null | color_type | make the lighting bit more warm here | make the lighting bit more warm here | How would you ask your PDA to change the light colors? | mach die Beleuchtung hier etwas wärmer |
1 | 39 | iot | hue_lightchange | null | please set the lighting [color_type : suitable for reading] | null | color_type | please set the lighting suitable for reading | please set the lighting suitable for reading | How would you ask your PDA to change the light colors? | bitte die Beleuchtung zum Lesen einstellen |
1 | 40 | iot | hue_lightoff | null | turn the lights off please | null | null | turn the lights off please | turn the lights off please | How would you ask your PDA to turn the lights off? | Mach bitte das Licht aus |
1 | 41 | iot | hue_lightoff | null | time to sleep | null | null | time to sleep | time to sleep olly! | How would you ask your PDA to turn the lights off? | Zeit zum Schlafen, Olly! |
1 | 42 | iot | hue_lighton | null | and the darkness has fallen | null | null | and the darkness has fallen | and the darkness has fallen | How would you ask your PDA to turn the lights off? | und die Dunkelheit ist eingebrochen |
1 | 43 | iot | hue_lightoff | null | turn off the light in the [house_place : bathroom] | null | room_type | turn off the light in the bathroom | Turn off the light in the bathroom | How would you ask your PDA to turn the lights off in one room? | Mach das Licht im Bad aus |
1 | 44 | iot | hue_lightdim | null | dim the lights in the [house_place : hall] | null | room_type | dim the lights in the hall | Olly, dim the lights in the hall | How would you ask your PDA to turn the lights off in one room? | Olly, dimme das Licht im Flur |
1 | 45 | iot | hue_lightoff | null | turn the lights off in the [house_place : bedroom] | null | room_type | turn the lights off in the bedroom | Olly, turn the lights off in the bedroom | How would you ask your PDA to turn the lights off in one room? | Olly, schalte das Licht im Schlafzimmer aus |
1 | 46 | iot | hue_lightchange | null | set lights [change_amount : to twenty percent] | null | hue_setting | set lights to twenty percent | Olly, set lights to 20 percent | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to lower the lights. | Olly, stell das Licht auf 20 Prozent |
1 | 47 | iot | hue_lightdim | null | dim the lights in the [house_place : kitchen] | null | hue_setting | dim the lights in the kitchen | dim the lights in the kitchen | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to lower the lights. | dimme das Licht in der Küche |
1 | 48 | iot | hue_lightdim | null | make a [house_place : room] darker | null | hue_setting | make a room darker | make a room darker | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to lower the lights. | einen Raum dunkler machen |
1 | 49 | iot | cleaning | null | clean the [house_place : flat] | null | null | clean the flat | olly, clean the flat | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to start your robot vacuum cleaner. | Olly, putze die Wohnung |
1 | 50 | iot | cleaning | null | it's dirty here make some noise | null | null | it's dirty here make some noise | it's dirty here, make some noise! | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to start your robot vacuum cleaner. | hier ist es schmutzig, mach mal Lärm! |
1 | 51 | iot | cleaning | null | vacuum the [house_place : house] | null | null | vacuum the house | vacuum the house olly | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to start your robot vacuum cleaner. | sauge das Haus olly |
1 | 52 | iot | cleaning | null | cleaning is good dust is so bad do now your magic clean my [house_place : carpet] | null | null | cleaning is good dust is so bad do now your magic clean my carpet | cleaning is good, dust is so bad do now your magic clean my carpet | How would you ask your PDA to activate your robot vacuum cleaner? | Putzen ist gut, Staub ist so schlimm, mach jetzt deinen Zauber, reinige meinen Teppich |
1 | 53 | iot | cleaning | null | hoover the [house_place : hallway] | null | null | hoover the hallway | hoover the hallway | How would you ask your PDA to activate your robot vacuum cleaner? | Staubsauge den Hausflur |
1 | 54 | iot | cleaning | null | hoover the [house_place : carpets] around | null | null | hoover the carpets around | hoover the carpets around | How would you ask your PDA to activate your robot vacuum cleaner? | saug die Teppiche rundherum |
201 | 5,489 | calendar | query | null | check when the show starts | null | null | check when the show starts | check when the show starts | How would you tell your PDA to confirm a setting | Schau nach, wann die Show beginnt |
181 | 5,062 | play | music | null | i want to listen [artist_name : arijit singh] song once again | null | null | i want to listen arijit singh song once again | I WANT TO LISTEN ARIJIT SINGH SONG ONCE AGAIN. | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to hear something again. | ICH MÖCHTE NOCH EINMAL DAS LIED VON ARIJIT SINGH HÖREN. |
181 | 5,063 | play | music | null | i want to play that [media_type : music] one again | null | null | i want to play that music one again | I WANT TO PLAY THAT MUSIC ONE AGAIN. | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to hear something again. | ICH MÖCHTE NOCH EINMAL DIESE MUSIK SPIELEN. |
201 | 5,488 | general | quirky | null | check my car is ready | null | null | check my car is ready | check my car is ready | How would you tell your PDA to confirm a setting | prüfe, ob mein Auto bereit ist |
201 | 5,490 | general | quirky | null | check my laptop is working | null | null | check my laptop is working | check my laptop is working | How would you tell your PDA to confirm a setting | Prüfe, ob mein Laptop funktioniert |
224 | 6,242 | general | quirky | null | is the brightness of my screen running low | null | null | is the brightness of my screen running low | Is the brightness of my screen running low? | How would you tell your PDA to confirm a setting | Ist die Helligkeit meines Bildschirms zu niedrig? |
224 | 6,243 | general | quirky | null | i need to have location services on can you check | null | null | i need to have location services on can you check | I need to have location services on, can you check? | How would you tell your PDA to confirm a setting | Ich muss die Ortungsdienste aktivieren, können Sie das überprüfen? |
1,003 | 27,046 | general | quirky | null | check the status of my power usage | null | null | check the status of my power usage | Check the status of my power usage | How would you tell your PDA to confirm a setting | Prüfen Sie den Status meines Stromverbrauchs |
1,003 | 27,047 | general | quirky | null | i want the status on my screen brightness | null | null | i want the status on my screen brightness | I want the status on my screen brightness | How would you tell your PDA to confirm a setting | Ich möchte den Status meiner Bildschirmhelligkeit abfragen. |
1,003 | 27,048 | general | quirky | null | give me the status on my available memory | null | null | give me the status on my available memory | Give me the status on my available memory. | How would you tell your PDA to confirm a setting | Geben Sie mir den Status meines verfügbaren Speichers. |
1 | 60 | general | quirky | null | i am not tired i am actually happy | null | null | i am not tired i am actually happy | Olly, I am not tired, I am actually happy. | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to let it know it did something wrong. | Olly, ich bin nicht müde, ich bin sogar glücklich. |
1 | 64 | general | greet | null | what's up | null | null | what's up | what's up olly | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to start a conversation with your PDA. | Was ist los Olly |
1 | 79 | datetime | query | null | what's the time in [place_name : australia] | null | location_start, location_stop, time | what's the time in australia | what's the time in australia | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to the time in a timezone. | Wie spät ist es in Australien? |
1 | 80 | datetime | query | null | tell me the time in [place_name : moscow] | null | location_start, location_stop, time | tell me the time in moscow | tell me the time in Moscow | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to the time in a timezone. | Wie spät ist es in Moskau? |
1 | 81 | datetime | convert | null | tell me the time in [time_zone : g. m. t. plus five] | null | location_start, location_stop, time | tell me the time in g. m. t. plus five | tell me the time in GMT plus 5 | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to the time in a timezone. | Wie spät ist es in GMT plus 5? |
1 | 85 | takeaway | query | MOD | most rated [order_type : delivery] options for [food_type : chinese] food | null | food_type, location | list most rated deliveroo options for chinese food | olly, list most rated deliveroo options for chinese food | How would you ask your PDA to order takeaway food? | Olly, listen Sie die am besten bewerteten Deliveroo-Optionen für chinesisches Essen auf |
1 | 86 | takeaway | query | MOD | i want some [food_type : curry] to go any recommendations | null | food_type, location | i want some curry to go any recommendations | i want some curry to go, any recommendations olly? | How would you ask your PDA to order takeaway food? | Ich möchte ein Curry zum Mitnehmen, irgendwelche Empfehlungen, Olly? |
1 | 87 | takeaway | query | MOD | find my [food_type : thai] [order_type : takeaways] around [place_name : grassmarket] | null | food_type, location | find my thai takeaways around grassmarket | find my thai takeaways around grassmarket | How would you ask your PDA to order takeaway food? | Finde meine thailändischen Imbissbuden rund um den Grassmarket |
2 | 558 | alarm | remove | null | cancel my [time : seven am] alarm | null | date, time | cancel my seven am alarm | Cancel my 7am alarm | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: you want to know about any alarms you have set. | meinen 7-Uhr-Alarm abstellen |
2 | 559 | alarm | remove | null | remove the alarm set for [time : ten pm] | null | date, time | remove the alarm set for ten pm | Remove the alarm set for 10pm | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: you want to know about any alarms you have set. | Entferne den für 22 Uhr eingestellten Alarm |
2 | 560 | alarm | remove | null | stop [time : seven am] alarm | null | date, time | stop seven am alarm | Stop 7am alarm | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: you want to know about any alarms you have set. | 7-Uhr-Alarm stoppen |
2 | 561 | alarm | query | null | what alarms i have set | null | null | what alarms i have set | what alarms I have set? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: you to know about any alarms you have set. | Welche Alarme habe ich eingestellt? |
2 | 562 | alarm | query | null | please list active alarms | null | null | please list active alarms | Please list active alarms | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: you to know about any alarms you have set. | Bitte aktive Alarme auflisten |
2 | 563 | alarm | query | null | tell me about my alarms | null | null | tell me about my alarms | Tell me about my alarms | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: you to know about any alarms you have set. | Erzählen Sie mir von meinen Alarmen |
2 | 582 | news | query | null | whats new in [place_name : london] | null | news_source | whats new in london | Whats new in London | How would you ask your PDA for news from a particular source? | Was gibt es Neues in London? |
2 | 583 | news | query | null | tell me latest [media_type : bbc] news | null | news_source | tell me latest bbc news | Tell me latest BBC news | How would you ask your PDA for news from a particular source? | Informieren Sie mich über die BBC-Nachrichten |
2 | 584 | news | query | null | whats happening in [news_topic : football] [date : today] | null | news_source | whats happening in football today | Whats happening in football today? | How would you ask your PDA for news from a particular source? | Was passiert heute im Fußball? |
2 | 585 | play | music | null | please play [song_name : yesterday] from [artist_name : beatles] | null | artist, song_name | please play yesterday from beattles | Please, play Yesterday from Beattles | How would you ask your PDA to play a song you like? | Bitte, spielen Sie Yesterday von Beattles |
2 | 586 | play | music | null | i'd like to hear [artist_name : queen's] [song_name : barcelona] | null | artist, song_name | i'd like to hear queen's barcelona | I'd like to hear Queen's Barcelona | How would you ask your PDA to play a song you like? | Ich würde gerne Barcelona von Queen hören |
2 | 587 | play | music | null | play me [song_name : barcelona] by [artist_name : queen] | null | artist, song_name | play me barcelona by queen | Play me Barcelona by Queen | How would you ask your PDA to play a song you like? | Spiel mir Barcelona von Queen |
2 | 588 | music | likeness | null | i like [music_genre : rock] music | null | music_genre, person, preference, song_name | i like rock music | I like rock music | How would you tell your PDA about the music you like? | Ich mag Rockmusik |
2 | 589 | music | likeness | null | my favourite music band is [artist_name : queen] | null | music_genre, person, preference, song_name | my favourite music band is queen | My favourite music band is Queen | How would you tell your PDA about the music you like? | Meine Lieblingsmusikband ist Queen |
2 | 590 | music | likeness | null | i like [artist_name : senatra] songs | null | music_genre, person, preference, song_name | i like senatra songs | I like Senatra songs | How would you tell your PDA about the music you like? | Ich mag Senatra-Lieder |
2 | 591 | play | music | null | start playing music from favourites | null | playlist_name | start playing music from favourites | Start playing music from favourites | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to play one of your playlists. | Beginne mit der Wiedergabe von Musik aus meinen Favoriten |
2 | 592 | play | music | null | please play my best music | null | playlist_name | please play my best music | Please play my best music | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to play one of your playlists. | Bitte spiel meine beste Musik |
2 | 593 | play | music | null | play something from recent playlist | null | playlist_name | play something from recent playlist | Play something from recent playlist | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to play one of your playlists. | Spiele etwas aus der aktuellen Playlist |
2 | 594 | music | query | null | what's the band is playing now | null | artist, song_name, song_text | what's the band is playing now | What's the band is playing now? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know what music is currently playing. | Was spielt die Band gerade? |
2 | 595 | music | query | null | who's current music's author | null | artist, song_name, song_text | who's current music's author | Who's current music's author? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know what music is currently playing. | Wer ist der Autor der aktuellen Musik? |
2 | 596 | music | query | null | what's that the album is current music from | null | artist, song_name, song_text | what's that the album is current music from | What's that the album is current music from? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know what music is currently playing. | Wie heißt das Album, von dem die aktuelle Musik stammt? |
2 | 597 | music | likeness | null | i'm really enjoying this song | null | music_genre, person, preference, song_name | i'm really enjoying this song | Olly, I'm really enjoying this song | How would you tell your PDA what you think about a song playing in the background? | Olly, dieser Song gefällt mir wirklich gut |
2 | 598 | music | likeness | null | the song you are playing is amazing | null | music_genre, person, preference, song_name | the song you are playing is amazing | The song you are playing is amazing | How would you tell your PDA what you think about a song playing in the background? | Der Song, den du spielst, ist fantastisch |
2 | 599 | music | likeness | null | this is one of the best songs for me | null | music_genre, person, preference, song_name | this is one of the best songs for me | This is one of the best songs for me | How would you tell your PDA what you think about a song playing in the background? | Das ist einer der besten Songs für mich |
2 | 606 | iot | hue_lightup | null | set lights brightness higher | null | hue_setting | set lights brightness higher | Set lights brightness higher | How would you ask your PDA to raise the lights? | Helligkeit der Lichter höher einstellen |
2 | 607 | iot | hue_lightup | null | make lights brightener | null | hue_setting | make lights brightener | Make lights brightener | How would you ask your PDA to raise the lights? | Mach die Lichter heller |
2 | 608 | iot | hue_lightup | MOD | please raise the lights [change_amount : to max] | null | hue_setting | please raise the lights to ma <unk> | Please, raise the lights to max | How would you ask your PDA to raise the lights? | Bitte, stellt die Lichter auf Maximum |
2 | 609 | iot | cleaning | null | hey start [device_type : vacuum cleaner robot] | null | null | hey start vacuum cleaner robot | Hey, start vacuum cleaner robot | How would you ask your PDA to activate your robot vacuum cleaner? | Hey, Staubsaugerroboter starten |
2 | 610 | iot | cleaning | null | enable [device_type : cleaner robot] | null | null | enable cleaner robot | Enable cleaner robot | How would you ask your PDA to activate your robot vacuum cleaner? | Staubsaugerroboter einschalten |
2 | 611 | iot | cleaning | null | turn [device_type : cleaner robot] on | null | null | turn cleaner robot on | Turn cleaner robot on | How would you ask your PDA to activate your robot vacuum cleaner? | Staubsaugerroboter einschalten |
2 | 621 | datetime | query | null | tell me [date : today's] date | null | date | tell me today's date | Tell me today's date | How would you ask your PDA about the current date? | Sag mir das Datum von heute |
2 | 622 | datetime | query | null | what date is it [date : today] | null | date | what date is it today | What date is it today | How would you ask your PDA about the current date? | Welches Datum haben wir heute? |
2 | 623 | datetime | query | null | what's the date is currently | null | date | what's the date is currently | What's the date is currently? | How would you ask your PDA about the current date? | Welches Datum haben wir heute? |
2 | 624 | takeaway | order | null | please order some [food_type : sushi] for [meal_type : dinner] | null | food_type, location | please order some sushi for dinner | Please, order some sushi for dinner | How would you ask your PDA to order takeaway food? | Bitte, bestellen Sie Sushi zum Abendessen |
2 | 625 | takeaway | order | null | hey i'd like you to order [food_type : burger] | null | food_type, location | hey i'd like you to order burger | Hey, I'd like you to order burger | How would you ask your PDA to order takeaway food? | Hey, ich möchte, dass du Burger bestellst |
2 | 626 | takeaway | order | null | could you order [food_type : sushi] for [timeofday : tonight] [meal_type : dinner] | null | food_type, location | could you order sushi for tonight dinner | Could you order sushi for tonight dinner? | How would you ask your PDA to order takeaway food? | Könnten Sie Sushi für heute Abend bestellen? |
2 | 627 | takeaway | query | null | whats with my dinner order | null | food_type, order_type | whats with my dinner order | whats with my dinner order? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know the status of your takeaway order. | Was ist mit meiner Essensbestellung? |
2 | 628 | takeaway | order | null | can i order [order_type : takeaway] [meal_type : dinner] from [business_name : byron's] | null | food_type, order_type | can i order takeaway dinner from byron's | can I order takeaway dinner from byron's? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know the status of your takeaway order. | Kann ich bei byron's Essen zum Mitnehmen bestellen? |
2 | 629 | takeaway | query | null | does [business_name : byron's] supports [order_type : takeaways] | null | food_type, order_type | does byron's supports takeaways | Does byron's supports takeaways? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know the status of your takeaway order. | Unterstützt Byron's auch Essen zum Mitnehmen? |
4 | 645 | alarm | set | null | set an alarm for [time : twelve] | null | date, time | set an alarm for twelve | set an alarm for 12 | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: to set an alarm. | Wecker für 12 Uhr stellen |
4 | 646 | alarm | set | null | set an alarm [time : forty minutes from now] | null | date, time | set an alarm forty minutes from now | set an alarm 40 minutes from now | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: to set an alarm. | Wecker auf 40 Minuten ab jetzt stellen |
4 | 647 | alarm | set | null | set alarm for [time : eight] [general_frequency : every weekday] | null | date, time | set alarm for eight every weekday | set alarm for 8 every weekday | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: to set an alarm. | Wecker für 8 Uhr an jedem Wochentag stellen |
4 | 651 | weather | query | null | is it [weather_descriptor : raining] | null | location | is it raining | Is it raining? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know if it is currently a certain type of weather. | Regnet es? |
4 | 652 | weather | query | null | is it going to [weather_descriptor : rain] | null | location | is it going to rain | Is it going to rain? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know if it is currently a certain type of weather. | Wird es regnen? |
4 | 653 | weather | query | null | is it currently [weather_descriptor : snowing] | null | location | is it currently snowing | Is it currently snowing? | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know if it is currently a certain type of weather. | Schneit es gerade? |
4 | 654 | weather | query | null | whats the [time : weeks] forecast | null | date, location, time | whats the weeks forecast | whats the weeks forecast | How would you ask your PDA for the weather this week? | Wie lautet die Vorhersage für diese Woche? |
4 | 655 | weather | query | null | whats [date : this weeks] weather | null | date, location, time | whats this weeks weather | whats this weeks weather | How would you ask your PDA for the weather this week? | Wie ist das Wetter in dieser Woche? |
4 | 656 | weather | query | null | tell me the weather [date : this week] | null | date, location, time | tell me the weather this week | tell me the weather this week. | How would you ask your PDA for the weather this week? | Wie wird das Wetter in dieser Woche? |
4 | 660 | news | query | null | tell me [media_type : bbc] news | null | news_source | tell me bbc news | Tell me BBC news | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know the latest news from a new provider | Sagen Sie mir die BBC-Nachrichten |
4 | 661 | news | query | null | whats the news on [media_type : bbc] news | null | news_source | whats the news on bbc news | Whats the news on bbc news | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know the latest news from a new provider | Welche Nachrichten gibt es bei der BBC? |
4 | 662 | news | query | null | what is the [media_type : bbc's] latest news | null | news_source | what is the bbc's latest news | What is the bbc's latest news | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to know the latest news from a new provider | Wie lauten die neuesten Nachrichten der BBC |
4 | 663 | play | music | null | play [song_name : hurts like heaven] | null | artist, song_name | play hurts like heaven | Play Hurts like heaven | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to play a song you like. | Hurts like heaven spielen |
4 | 664 | play | music | null | play a song i like | null | artist, song_name | play a song i like | Play a song i like. | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to play a song you like. | Spiel einen Song, den ich mag. |
4 | 665 | play | music | null | put on [song_name : cannibal queen] | null | artist, song_name | put on cannibal queen | Put on Cannibal Queen | Write what you would tell your PDA in the following scenario: You want to play a song you like. | Lege Cannibal Queen auf |
4 | 666 | play | music | null | play [artist_name : daft punk] | null | artist | play daft punk | play daft punk | How would you ask your PDA to play music by an artist you know? | spiele Daft Punk |
4 | 667 | play | music | null | put on some [artist_name : coldplay] | null | artist | put on some coldplay | put on some Coldplay | How would you ask your PDA to play music by an artist you know? | leg etwas Coldplay auf |
4 | 668 | play | music | null | play some [artist_name : david bowie] | null | artist | play some david bowie | play some David bowie | How would you ask your PDA to play music by an artist you know? | spiele etwas David Bowie |
4 | 669 | music | settings | null | [player_setting : loop] this track | null | player_setting | loop this track | Loop this track. | How would you ask your PDA to change some specific settings of your music player? | Schleife diesen Track. |
NLU Evaluation Data - English and German
A labeled English and German language multi-domain dataset (21 domains) with 25K user utterances for human-robot interaction.
This dataset is collected and annotated for evaluating NLU services and platforms. The detailed paper on this dataset can be found at Benchmarking Natural Language Understanding Services for building Conversational Agents
The dataset builds on the annotated data of the xliuhw/NLU-Evaluation-Data
repository. We have added an additional column (answer_de
by translating the texts in column answer
into German.
The translation was made with DeepL.
This data set was compiled and open sourced by Philip May of Deutsche Telekom.
The columns scenario
and intent
can be used for classification tasks.
However, we recommend to use even more fine-grained labels.
For this purpose, a new label can be derived by concatenating scenario
and intent
For example, this would turn "alarm" and "set" into "alarm_set".
Dataset Quirks
The original dataset contains some NaN
values in the answer
This means that there are also NaN
values in the translations (answer_de
These rows should be filtered.
The dataset also contains duplicate values.
Copyright (c) the authors of xliuhw/NLU-Evaluation-Data
Copyright (c) 2022 Philip May
All data is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
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