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Kamil: Hey Thomas: Hey, what's up? Kamil: I've been wondering if you want to go bowling tomorrow Thomas: nice, who else is coming? Kamil: me, Godek and Prosty with his girl Thomas: Hmm... Kamil: come on, it will be fun Thomas: Well, ok! Kamil: Great! Thomas: one more thing Kamil: Ye? Thomas: Can I bring my girlfriend? Kamil: Sure thing, more people more fun Thomas: Good, when and where exactly are we going there? Kamil: 8PM at the same place as the last time Thomas: Ok, see you there Kamil: See you!
Kamil, Thomas with his girlfriend, Godek and Prosty with his girl are going bowling tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the same place as the last time.
Greg: Please tell me a game title it's totally worth buying Martin: With no hesitation Martin: Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Martin: Game's worth your time Greg: I heard so. If you say that it's worth it, then I'm buying it right away. Martin: Great! Can't wait to talk it over with you :P
Martin recommends Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Greg will buy it.
Philippe: <file_photo> Philippe: I don't even know how to respond xDDDDD Jasmine: eeeeeeeee wait wat? Eve: jesus...I'm so happy I've already blocked her on facebook Philippe: how can anyone be so stupid to ask someone if they could SELL you a cap for the winter, and then say that you will give this person A VERY NICE NECKLACE in exchange for this cap.............................. Philippe: and no money Eve: I don't know, she must be sick or whatever Jasmine: I'm still trying to process this conversation xd Philippe: I can't believe that a person who is sane would ever ask such a question Philippe: why the fuck won't she go to the mall or whatever and BUY a cap which usually costs nothing Eve: cause she can always TEXT YOU and offer you a very nice necklace ahhaahhhaah Philippe: ok, sounds reasonable XD
Philippe has issues with a girl on Facebook.
David: I have to share my unpopular opinion with you David: Newborn kids are ugly. Don't argue since there's no point. David: Newborn kids are ugly af and people showng off their ugly babies on social media are mentally disabled people. Jack: Hahaha. I've got your back. Jack: I totally agree. Jack: Social media exhibitionism has gone too far in my opinion. David: I agree, but that's not the point. David: Little kittens - cute David: Puppies - cute David: Little Panda - cute as fuck David: But a human child is extremely ugly David: Looking like a gnome leaving a mud cave David: And I totally don't understand parents who post pictures of these creatures. Jack: ROFL Jack: You made me laugh so hard i peed myself David: hahahaha
David and Jack think newborn babies are ugly. They dislike the fact that parents so often share their babies' pictures via social media.
Paul: Sorry, I'm late sending this, but I'll have a copy tomorrow in any case Paul: <file_other> Jake: Fine, thanx Paul: There's going to be a short presentation tomorrow Paul: Let's hope they'll like it Jake: They will. I'm sure about it Paul: :)
Paul has a presentation scheduled for tomorrow.
Mariam: hey where are you Oksana: i missed my bus D: Oksana: but I caught another one Oksana: another 10 min and i'll be there Mariam: D: Mariam: oh crap Mariam: I'll try to stall Mariam: you need to be here to yell surprise with us!!! Mariam: <file_gif> Oksana: i'm on my way!!!!!
Oksana missed her bus and she will be there in 10 minutes. Mariam will try to stall, so that they can yell "surprise" all together.
Josh: what was that awesome pizza place we went to last weekend? Ross: <file_other> Ross: <file_other> Josh: thanks!
there is no information to summarise
Julian: first of all, my gf has birthday tomorrow Julian: I need your help Susan: She will probably enjoy cosmetics Wanda: yes, I saw her instagram. She knows how to deal with make-up Julian: Can you recommend any brand? Susan: Buy Burberry Lip Velvet Crush lipstick Susan: She will be satisfied for sure. Wanda: I heard about that brand. ppl love it. Julian: Thanks, she adores lipsticks Wanda: good for u! Susan: Don't forget about flowers, we love them! Julian: ya, I remember about that Julian: thank you girls
Julian's girlfriend has birthday tomorrow. Wanda and Susan recommend Julian to buy some flowers and cosmetics for her, eg. Burberry Lip Velvet Crush lipstick.
Jerry: How are you doing tonight? Mia: horrible, I'm destroyed after last night Kim: I've just stayed in bed, I was dreaming about it the whole week
Mia is destroyed after last night. Kim is still in bed.
Joseph: Honey, did we need anything from the shop? Suzy: I think we're out of eggs? I'm not home now, so I can't check... Joseph: Oh OK. And what's for dinner? Suzy: Sorry, Joe, I've been so busy... :( Joseph: Don't worry about it, let's just get a pizza today Suzy: Yay, you're the best! Love you! Joseph: Love you too :*
Suzy doesn't know what Joseph should buy in the shop. They will get a pizza today.
Jack: Hi, do you have time tomorrow? Martha: hey, sorry, I have a dentist appointment. Jack: really? again? I think you're avoiding me... Martha: calm down... it's not my fault I care about my teeth Jack: but it's so strange that everytime I want to hang out with you, oddly enough you're busy Martha: trust me... it's a coincidence :) Jack: so what now? Martha: Let me think
Jack wants to hang out with Martha tomorrow, but she has a dentist appointment. He suspects she might be avoiding him.
Nancy: hey Kim Kim: hi Nancy: can you borrow me your purple nail polish? Kim: sure Kim: which one? Nancy: that one you had at the party Kim: okay
Nancy wants to borrow Kim's purple nail polish.
Jacob: Hey, how was your summer break? Marsha: hey, it was wonderful Marsha: I've been to Paris for a month. Marsha: gorgeous place, nice people, tasty food Jacob: good to hear that Marsha: how about you? Jacob: I was working the entire time. Marsha: here or abroad? Jacob: I stayed, because I got attractive offer Jacob: It wasn't that bad after all Jacob: I made good money :) Marsha: you worked as who? Jacob: warehouse assistant Marsha: You must be exhausted after vacation :P Jacob: To be honest, I got used to physical effort Marsha: so... last year ahead... Jacob: ya, any plans or hopes? Marsha: I just want to finish major Marsha: then we will see Jacob: same as me
Marsha was in Paris for a month during her summer break. Jacob worked as a warehouse assistant the entire time.
Tina: Hello Mrs. Jones. I'm really sorry, but my timetable at uni has changed and I won't be able to come on Thursdays any more. Karen: Oh, that's not good Tina. Is there any chance it will change again or maybe you could change it somehow? Tina: I'm afraid not, I already spoke to my supervisor and there's nothing they can do. Karen: Hm, we need to make it work. Kids really like you. Tina: It's nice to hear Mrs. Jones. I like them as well and would like to keep working for you. Tina: <file_other> Tina: Here's my new timetable. I think it shouldn't change until the end of the semester. Karen: Thank you Tina. Karen: I see that you have Wednesdays off. I think we can make it work. Let me consult it with my husband first Tina: I understand. I have less classes this semester, so I can also come for the evenings as well. Karen: That would be wonderful. Do you know anyone who may help us out on Thursdays? Tina: Hm, I'll talk to my friends at uni, I think it won't be a problem. Karen: Great, please let me know when you find someone. I'd happily meet them, just in case. Tina: I understand, I'll let you know as soon as I find someone.
Tina won't be able to come on Thursdays any more, because her timetable has changed. Karen still wants Tina to teach her children. Tina can come in the evenings. Tina will look for someone willing to teach Karen's children on Thursdays.
Isabella: I bought us train tickets on Sunday :) Liam: How much do I owe you? Isabella: Nothing, you paid for our concert tickets. :) :*
Isabella bought train tickets for Sunday. Liam paid for the concert tickets.
Ronnie: hi Melanie: hello Ronnie: how are you? Melanie: fine Melanie: and u? Ronnie: not so good Melanie: why? Ronnie: I work as a linguist and I'm sick of that Melanie: tell me about it Ronnie: imagine you have a task Ronnie: you have to create dialogues in Russian Melanie: any dialogues? Ronnie: yeah, without any specified subject Melanie: sounds great Ronnie: for the very beginning Ronnie: but after 200 of examples you have no idea what to write about Melanie: I haven't thought about that aspect Ronnie: nobody thinks about it Ronnie: I would rather have to write about a certain things than just improvise all the time
Ronnie is tired of his work as a linguist. He has to create dialogues in Russian and after writing 200 of them he finds it difficult to find what to write about.
Martin: Hey, how's it going? Kim: I have a lot of interviews tomorrow, so I will know tomorrow :P it is night anyway! Martin: Cool. So what? That it is night :D Kim: It is a lot easier for me when my head doesn't fall on the keyboard + currently I'm staying with 3 girls in the room, they're asleep, I don't want to wake them up with clicking ;) Martin: Okay okay. Good night grandma ;) Kim: Good night, great grandpa :P hear you around Martin: Ciao
Kim is sharing the room with other girls and doesn't want to wake them up by typing.
Mark: <file_other> Mark: Dear Julie, @Johnson, we are now urgently searching for Polish Translators for a 6 months internal assignment (either freelance or interim). Mark: I saw your profile and I think this could be a fit with what you are searching Mark: Here is the link to the ad we published <file_other> Mark: Let me know if you are interested. Julie: Dear Mark, thank you for your interest in my candidacy for the position of Polish Translator. Please find my CV attached. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Mark: Dear Julie, I would like to have a quick call with you to discuss this. Mark: Here are some open slots for me to call you: Mark: 1/3: 9h30 – 11h00; 5/3: 12h00, 13h00; 6/3: 9h00 – 10h00 Julie: Dear Mark, I will be available tomorrow from 15h00 – 17h00 CET. Mark: Dear Julie, I propose to call you tomorrow Thu 1/3 at 15h00 CET. Is it ok with you? Mark: The call will take max 30 min Julie: Ok, 15h00 CET is fine with me. Thank you. Mark: Perfect, I’ll call you then. Mark: Bye! Julie: Bye! Mark: Dear Julie, I just tried to call you now-sorry if I have disturbed. In fact, I would like to replace the phone call to this afternoon with a videoconference, so that I can invite other colleagues and decide faster. Mark: Is it OK for you (you just need a laptop or a smartphone to connect). Julie: Yes, of course, no problem Mark: Thank you. Julie: Thank you, too
Mark's company urgently needs a Polish Translator for a six-month-long internal assignment. Julie agrees to an improvised video conference with Mark and his colleagues.
Steve: Should we take this guy? Steve: we cannot keep him without an answer so long Brian: Steve is right Jane: I'm just not convinced Jane: although he has a great resume Charlotte: exactly, this is the point for all of us Charlotte: we know there is nobody else around, but no one is excited about this guy Jane: but we have no choice Brian: we need somebody by 1 Feb Jane: So let's take him Steve: I think we should take him Steve: if he's not already taken Charlotte: he may be Steve: I'll call him today
Steve, Brian, Jane and Charlotte are looking for a new worker from February. Steve will call a guy who's sent them a resume even if they aren't convinced to hire him.
Mike: How's California? :) Ana: So far so good! I went to my first science event at Berkeley yesterday! Mike: Wow :D how was it? Ana: fantastic! I finally feel a sense of purpose of some sort. Just have to find a way to make it work in the long run... Mike: I'm sure you will. Where are you staying? Ana: Miracle Mile. by the Grove Mike: Cool! How's that article coming along? Ana: Oh, it's fine, I just need to obtain references for my masters application so I figured it might help... Mike: I see. It's really great that you're so driven! Ana: I try :) Mike: So what are you gonna study? Ana: Psychology next year, hopefully. I still need to find another professor to write me a recommendation though. Mike: Well, I'm sure you will. I remember doing that neuroscience course with you, you were the favourite of all the lecturers :) Ana: I guess... it's easy to be good when you're passionate about something. I'm actually planning to focus on cognitive psychology. Mike: Have you read "How the mind works" by Pinker? Ana: I have, he has a great understanding of evolutionary psychology, such a fantastic mind. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to go to his lecture... Mike: and he's definitely less annoying than Chomsky! Ana: That's true... Especially since Chomsky's gone so political
Ana is at Berkley in California. She's staying at Miracle Mile. She wants to study cognitive psychology and needs a professor to support her application. She admires Pinker. Neither her nor Mike are fans or Chomsky.
Amanda: You won’t fucking believe me! Ruby: Haha what happened? Are you moving out? Amanda: Worse than that. Jack asked to me to go with him to the party next week. Can you believe it? Ruby: Fuck, you must’ve been surprised 😉 After all those years… Amanda: Exactly, some time ago I’d be on the cloud nine, but now I don’t actually know what to do Ruby: I can’t help you, Amanda. You’ve got to decide Amanda: You aren't helping me...
After a long time Jack asked Amanda to go to the party with him next week. She is hesitating.
Fred: Did you book the flight? Zach: Not yet Fred: What are you waiting for? Zach: I still hope to find a better deal Fred: Forget it Fred: Flights are only getting more expensive Zach: Did you book yours? Fred: Long time ago Fred: Listen, I don't want to stress you Fred: I just don't want you to overpay Fred: If you wait too long Zach: Relax dude Zach: I have it under control Zach: Everyday I check for deals Zach: I'll buy it soon.
Zach haven't booked his flight, because he hopes to get a better deal. Fred doesn't think waiting is a good idea.
Peter: hi guys, it's time to decide! Luke: what are the options? Peter: explained in my email Kim: Thanks for all Peter Luke: Peter please remind me again Peter: remind what? Luke: the 3 options Peter: read the email Luke: didnt get it Peter: you replied to it Peter: read the email Kim: ok, so when do we have to pay if we go for 2 or 3? because I dont think anyone really likes 1, right? Peter: guys, please READ everything, it takes 3 minutes Peter: I put some effort into it, dont make me repeat it here it doesnt make sense Kim: ok ok Stella: Hi, I've just read it and I'm in for Place 2 Stella: For obvious reasons Luke: why? Stella: They accept pets Luke: seriously??? youre going with the dogs? :/ Stella: Of course. Why not? Kim: dont be afraid luke :) :) Luke: im not afraid Stella: Right... Luke: Stella, I thought we made it clear, but ok... Stella: Clear about what? Luke: just adults, no kids, no pets Stella: The dogs are adults :)
Peter sent an email explaining 3 options and wants to make a decision. Kim and Luke are confused. Stella is in for Place 2 and she is going with her dogs.
Martha: I can't make it today... sorry Jonas: :-( Kuba: ok
Martha can't meet with Jonas and Kuba today.
Abel: these are the photos I took of little Simon :) Abel: <file_photo> Abel: sorry the quality isn't very good Abel: but you can see how small he is :) Abel: <file_photo> Abel: and here is the video I took Abel: <file_video> Caitlan: my goodness he is so tiny 😍😍😍 Caitlan: and so cuteee!!! Abel: yeah he is the cutest little button 💕 Caitlan: 😻😻😻😻 Caitlan: absolute sweetheart Abel: 😁 Caitlan: cutest baby I have seen in a long time 😊😊😊😊 Abel: and he has been so good, he only cried for a bit Caitlan: ❤️❤️ Caitlan: amazing Caitlan: <file_gif>
Abel sent a video and a photo of little Simon.
Denver: It’s not working. Jackie: What? Denver: The treatment for a guy after cardiac arrest, his getting worse. Jackie: I’m on my way, coming back from lunch. Denver: OK, find Julie and tell her I want to her to see this one. Jackie: Ehh, bloody interns… Denver: She’s very promising :D Jackie: Yea, she better is. Denver: You have a negative attitude. Jackie: I do, after last year and Mikel the Stupid. On my way.
The treatment for a guy after cardiac arrest is not working, and he's getting worse. Jackie is on her way, coming back from lunch. She should find the intern Julie as Denver wants her to see this one.
Steve: Gosh, I'm so bored at work I wanna get Mathew: lol, nothing to do? Steve: No, plenty to do but it's just a look boring, I have to change work Mathew: What would you change it to, though? This is what you majored in lol :D Steve: maybe I'll become an astronaut... Mathew: haha, not that again!! Steve: Why? It would be amazing. Like Interstellar xD Mathew: Or Passengers, have you seen it? Steve: Have I SEEN it! Phew :P Mathew: right... you've probably gone twice. Steve: 3 times Mathew: get help Steve: hahaha you've got your quirks too, you know! Mathew: Yeah? Like what? Steve: C'mon, Kill Bill? Mathew: What about it? Steve: you couldn't stop talking about it for a month!! Mathew: Only cause it's like the BEST MOVIE EVER?! Steve: Weirdo... Mathew: rotfl, go back to work, employee of the month! Steve: Dont you worry about me, bro :D
Steve is bored at work. He wants to change it and become an astronaut. Mathew's favorite movie is Passengers and Steve's is Kill Bill.
Amparo: Hey guys! What time are we meeting tomorrow? Javier: I was thinking of going to the Rastro in the morning, so perhaps around noon? Mike: A coffee around noon would be fine. I'd love to go to La Central, but if you guys prefer La Latina, it's also fine Amparo: both are fine for me, so I'll let Javi decide Javier: We could actually do both? Mike: You mean having some fried sardines at the Rastro and then coffee at La Central? 🤣 Amparo: As I said, I'm up for both 😂😂😂 Javier: ☕🐬 Amparo: 💩 Mike: 💀 Delicious. Let us know where you are and we'll join you Javier: Sure, I'll write to you as soon as I spot the ideal sardines 🐉 Amparo: Cool
Amparo, Javier and Mike are going to go to the Rastro and La Central tomorrow. Javier will let them know where they are meeting when he finds the right place.
Jenny: what did your dad say? Lewis: he said meet us at 6 Jenny: how is he getting there? Lewis: he is getting a lift Jenny: ok cool.. be here for 4.30 then Lewis: ok
Lewis will meet Jenny at 4.30. Lewis will meet his dad at 6.
Toby: What would you do if you won a lottery? Melanie: lol, where does this question come from? Toby: my neighbour has just won billions, it's quite interesting to observe what he's doing Toby: he's moving out, of course Marion: wow, I don't really know Toby: would you quit your job? Charlie: I love my job Charlie: but I would be free from the pressure of money, no overtime anymore eg Melanie: exactly Marion: I'd quit it and go for a journey around the world Marion: for a few years Toby: I really don't know Toby: it seems I don't have real dreams Marion: wow, maybe you're just happy? Toby: maybe!
Toby's neighbour has just won billions in the lottery and he's moving out. Toby, Charlie, Marion and Melanie discuss what they would do if they won the lottery.
Bart: is it true i can use my mobile now instead of a paper ticket to get on a plane? George: yeah George: it's really cool Bart: is it difficult to do it? George: not at all George: when you get the confirmation email you'll see something that says add to my wallet George: click on it and the ticket will be on your phone Bart: wow Bart: that's insane Bart: how do they do that?!?!?!?! George: i don't care how they do that George: just the fact i can do it lol Bart: i'm not sure about it though Bart: you know i'm not really tech savvy George: you can always bring a traditional paper ticket with you George: that way you'll have ease of mind Bart: how so? George: well you can try to use your phone George: and if it doesn't work you have the traditional ticket Bart: thanks man Bart: that's great Bart: i'll let you know how it goes
George is explaining to Bart how he can use his mobile instead of a paper ticket to get on a plane.
Dorothy: There are no free tables Peter: Oh no, so now what? Dorothy: but they said that there are many tables that are not bookable and we can just come and see Peter: a bit risky, isn't it? Dorothy: Yeah, but we've done that with my friends a couple of times and we always found a free table. Peter: OK, it's you call... Dorothy: Well, the food there is just delicious so maybe it's worth the risk? Peter: Yeah, maybe Dorothy: Plus, I really think we won't have to wait longer than 5 minutes. Peter: OK, we need a plan b just in case Dorothy: hmmm, any ideas? Peter: there's another italian restaurant nearby, I don't remember the name but its just around the corner Dorothy: OK, so if Ciao a tutti is full, we'll just go to the other place. Peter: OK ;*
Dorothy and Peter are going to Ciao a tutti. There were no free tables to book and they will go anyway and wait. Their plan B is to go to another Italian restaurant nearby.
Edgar: you're going to the swimming pool with me? Teddy: ok i'll meet you downstair Edgar: are you coming? I'm waiting near the palm tree Teddy: yes i'm coming Edgar: i'll go the the playground to see Blanca Edgar: where are you? Teddy: coming, i was on the phone Edgar: i'm back to the swimming pole Teddy: ok
Teddy will meet Edgar at the swimming pool.
Dora: I need to talk to you John: I'm all ears Dora: It's better if we meet John: When do you want to meet? Dora: As soon as you can John: It must be something urgent Dora: It is John: I could see you in one hour earliest Dora: It's ok Dora: I will come to your office John: I'm not there John: I went to see a client John: Will you tell me what I should expect Dora: I have bad news. I'm all shaking. Dora: I need to talk to you in person
John will see Dora as soon as possible because she has some bad news for him.
Kyle: hey u got maths homework? Patrick: um.. not yet :D Kyle: hahaha what do you mean not yet Kyle: it's for tomorrow Kyle: i just reminded you didn't i hahahah Patrick: XD Kyle: well good luck then Patrick: tx xD guess i'm gonna need it XD
Kyle reminds Patrick about their math homework for tomorrow.
Olden: I wanted a beer Lizette: So I got you a beer, what do you want? Olden: It’s flavored Olden: With raspberry Lizette: Lol sorry for me it’s beer just with some taste ;p Olden: I hate iiiiiiiiiiiiit Lizette: Cool down, I’ll remember next time Olden: I want my beer Lizette: So go to the shop and buy one Olden: Why do you always annoy me so much Lizette: I think you have a problem Olden: Oh just fuck off Lizette: Seriously, go to some therapist Olden: Like I don’t have better things to do Lizette: No you don’t you’re unemployed!! Olden: Fuckin bitch
Lizette got Olden a flavoured beer that he doesn't like at all. He wants a real beer, so Lizette tells him to go to a shop and buy one.
Henry: I did some research guys, we need around 2-3000$ for two weeks to fully enjoy the experience Jane: Ok, sounds reasonable Karen: Have you found any place to stay? Henry: We have a few options: Airbnb, hotels/hostels and couchsurfing Henry: Unless you guys have friends in the US or some family ;) Karen: I do, but in Ohio ;/ Peter: yeah, a trip to the most boring state - sounds exciting :D Henry: ok, so Airbnb it is. We may have a problem with finding a couchsurfer willing to accommodate 5 people Karen: Is Daniel going as well? Henry: think so? Jane: It may be tough to find airbnb, but we may try Peter: I looked already: <file_other>, <file_other>, <file_other> Karen: Thanks! Have you looked for something in LA? The second option sounds good Henry: LA may be more expensive than San Francisco Jane: Hm, SF's quite pricey as well. Not the cheapest coast ;) Henry: Ok, so let's look for flats/houses in the cities we want to stay and prepare a list Henry: Then, we'll choose Daniel: hi guys! What do you want to see? Peter: Grand Canyon for sure, apart from LA, SF and LAS VEGAS Karen: I'd love to see Yosemite Henry: I'm more focused on the cities and the nature Daniel: <file_photo> Daniel: This is sequoia forest, can we go there as well? And Monterey? I thin it's not very far away from Grand Canyon or Yosemite Karen: Sure, looks cool! Peter: I can't see why not ;) I'm already excited Daniel: when are we going? September? Henry: yes, I already set a reminder on cheap flights
Henry estimates he, Jane, Karen, Henry, Peter and Daniel will need around 2-3000$ for two weeks. They will stay at Airbnb. They want to see the Grand Canyon, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Yosemite, a sequoia forest and Monterey. They'll go in September.
Kate: Hi, when exactly are you coming back from Scotland? Kate: Cause the last weekend of July is Audioriver and they say it's not the best date for a bachelor party... Ann: Damn, we're coming back on the 23rd of July Ann: or maybe up to 2 days later, if it isn't windy enough... Kate: :( Ann: OK, if the last weekend of July isn't a good option, maybe the first weekend of August? Ann: It's still two weekend to the wedding so it's rather safe Kate: yeah, OK, that's a good thought Ann: Most of the things are already done, so you won't have that much on your mind Ann: And it would be a good idea for you to go somewhere and relax before the wedding. Kate: OK, I'll look into it Ann: Cause for you it absolutely has to be the same weekend as the bachelor party, right? Kate: Yeah... Ann: OK, don't worry, we'll think of something! Kate: Thank you. :* Ann: Oh, come on, I'm just sorry that our cruise can screw some plans for you... Ann: I was sure it was a safe distance from the wedding and we could go without causing any problems Kate: Ann, it's not a problem :) Really. Ann: OK, then, let me know what the guys say about the first weekend of August. Kate: Will do :*
Kate is looking into organising a trip in the weekend of the bachelor's party. July is not possible so she will check early August.
Karl: Hi Pipa, don't miss your train Pipa: don't worry, it's at 3:40pm Karl: you never know.. Pipa: that's right 😀 Karl: if you don't ear your alarm.. Pipa: don't worry, i'll ear it, because no train means no concert Karl: you'd be very good if you manage to miss you train Pipa: have a nice week end. I'll send you pictures
Karl doesn't want Pipa to miss the train. The train is due at 3:40 pm.
Rebecca: please check your 'other' folder Rebecca: my msgs might be there Joseph: ok Eddie: ok Sophia: can i send you the essay tomorrow? Sophia: my laptop stopped working :/ Rebecca: ok
Sophia's laptop stopped working.
Emily: <file_other> Emily: new season of case de papel!!! Maya: :o Ruby: <file_gif>
There's a new season of "Case de Papel".
Jenny: They have great deals at mxdonalds rn Jenny: Mc Donalds* Steven: Ye? Steven: What do they have? Jenny: A bigmac with large fries for 5 bucks Jenny: Only today Ivana: Oh Ivana: tempting! Jenny: haha
Today McDonald's offers a bigmac with large fries for 5 bucks.
Garfield: Let's meet on Sunday Tom: ok Liina: ok
Garfield, Tom and Liina will meet on Sunday.
Hannah: Hi John, I can't meet tonight, I'm not feeling very well and I'm afraid it might be infectious John: sorry to hear that :( John: get better! <3
Hannah can't meet with John tonight, because she feels sick.
Cecil: Hey, did u get my text? Glen: What text? Cecil: I've sent u one yesterday. Glen: Nope. Sry. Nothing. Cecil: Got time 2day? Glen: Sure.
Glen didn't get the text Cecil sent him yesterday. Glen has time today.
Liv: Any news? Christine: Nothing... Liv: Oh come on, I'm sure he's gonna write something soon Christine: I don't know, I was really mean and I'm afraid he'll never talk to me again Liv: He will, don't worry, just be patient Christine: Livvy, I really don't know Liv: But what did you two argue over exactly? Christine: That whole "you behave as though you were better than me" thing Liv: Ouch! Well, let me say this, sometimes it looks like that... Christine: I know! Now I understand what he meant and I feel terrible Liv: Let me know if he writes anything to you Christine: Ok
Liv hopes some man will write to her. They argued last time and she was really mean to him.
Clem: Hi mum, just to keep up dated with our sunburns in cuba☀️ Mum: thanks darling. When are you leaving? Clem: Tonight Mum: have a safe trip girls Clem: Thanks mum. Here is a picture of us in the plane Clem: <file_photo> Mum: how are holidays? I don't see you much 🏝🏖 Clem: hard to send messages we don't have wifi very often Mum: you want to say that it's hard to text under mojitos, lying on your sunbed near the blue sea, and your sunglasses are preventing you from seeing the screen of your smartphone... Clem: Just to say we arrived at la Havane. we're all red but everything fine 🍅🦐☀️ Mum: enjoy! don't forget the solar cream and happy birthday to Sundy Clem: We did have it but not strong enough. We celebrated this morning and again tonight in a nice cubain restaurant Mum: be careful on mojitos, cuban cigar and sun..😎 Clem: <file_photo> blue sea Mum: and luckily we don't see the red..
Clem and Sundy are on vacation in Cuba and they don't have Wifi often. They got sunburned. It is Sundy's birthday. The girls are in la Havane.
Harold: I still can't believe Erica hasn't seen Ghostbusters. James: I know. I can't imagine my life without that movie, or the 80s for that matter. Harold: I know she was born in the early 90s, but still. James: I should lend her my DVD. Harold: You have I and II don't you? James: I used to, but Don borrowed II and still hasn't given it back to me. Harold: That creep. He may be the only who likes II better than the original. James: Yeah, I've never able to figure that out. Harold: By the way, did you hear that Bill Murray has been touring the world? James: Really? No, I had no clue. Doing what? Harold: Live readings accompanied by classical music. James: Sounds like fun. He isn't coming to Pittsburgh soon by any chance? Harold: We already missed him. He was here in April. James: Nuts. Harold: Yeah, I love the idea. Would have been great to have seen him. James: Do you know what Dan Akroyd is up to these days? Harold: No, nothing besides Crystal Head Vodka and House of Blues last I knew. James: That's too bad. I'd be great to see him in another film. Harold: Agreed.
Erica hasn't seen Ghostbusters. James should lend her his DVD. He used to have both parts but lent II to Don. Bill Murray has tours with live readings and classical music. He was in Pittsburgh in April, but James and Harold missed him. Dan Akroyd is engaged in Crystal Head Vodka and House of Blues.
Eddie: Hey, same plan as always? Ethan: sure, should I bring beer? Eddie: Why not, you can never have too many :P Ethan: lol Ethan: good point Eddie: I prepared some decent horror movies. Ethan: oh, I like these Eddie: just saying... I bought pool table Eddie: We can play afterwards Ethan: bro... it must have cost fortune Eddie: not really Eddie: It was on sale Ethan: so how much? Eddie: 200 bucks Ethan: not too shabby Eddie: yea, you'll love it Ethan: you need to teach me Eddie: no worries, it's quite easy Ethan: okay, see you around Eddie: bye
Eddie prepared some horror movies and Ethan'll bring some beer. Eddie informs Ethan that he bought a pool table for $200 and they can play afterwards.
Barbara: Happy anniversary! Barbara: Congratulations for another wonderful year of falling in love with each other! Vera: Thank you Barbara! Vera: You have the anniversary next month, am I right? Barbara: Yes, and I can’t wait to see what surprise John is going to prepare for me 😊 Vera: Do you have any guesses? Barbara: He doesn’t want me to know anything 😉 Enough for me. How’s your anniversary? Vera: Well, we’re going on a date 😊
Barbara congratulates Vera an anniversary. Barbara has an anniversary too and she can't wait the to see what surprise John prepared for her. Vera is going on a date to celebrate her anniversary.
Amy: I need a ride to school Bob: Why? What happened to your car? Amy: My brother borrowed it and he didn't return it Bob: What? Why not? Amy: I can't reach him. I hope nothing happened to him Amy: Did you try to call him? Bob: Yes, voice messaging’s on. Bob: Did you try to text him? Amy: Yes, and he didn't respond to my messages Bob: I hope he is ok Amy: I hope so too. I will call him again, but in the meantime can you pick me up? Bob: Sure, what time? Amy: I don’t know, how fast can you be? Bob: I finish my lunch and I’m on my way? One hour? Amy: One hour sounds perfect Bob: Ok, I will be there Amy: Thank you so much! Bob: No problem. Keep me posted if anything changes Amy: I will. Thank you again
Amy's brother hasn't returned the car yet, so Amy and Bob are worried that something bad happened to him. Bob will give Amy a ride to school in one hour.
Justin: look, why dont you let me take you out for lunch today Cecilia: haha, i know you justin Justin: im for real, im not kidding around Cecilia: if youre not, then im down for it Justin: cool, ill pick you up at noon Cecilia: sure, noon is fine Justin: alright.
Justin will pick Cecilia up at noon today and they will go for lunch.
Angie: Did you prepare some lunch for tomorrow? Charlotte: No, I was planning to go to Sushi Project Angie: Wanna some chili? I made way to much again Charlotte: Sure!! I love chili! Angie: Big portion or really big portion? :D Charlotte: you know me. Angie: really big portion it is Charlotte: ;D
Charlotte didn't prepare any lunch for tomorrow as she was planning to go to Sushi Project. Angie will give Charlotte a really big portion of chili she made too much of.
Daniel: Hi, I'm Daniel from escooter Daniel: We received your order for the delivery of InokimZ3 Electric Scooter Daniel: The delivery man will contact you and deliver this tomorrow Tanya: Hi, ok, thank you Daniel: Please be sure to be home for delivery, between 6-10pm Daniel: Total due is 21.40€ Daniel: Please confirm to acknowledge Tanya: Yes, thank you, that is correct Daniel: Thanks Tanya: Could you please confirm that the amount due includes the delivery fee, is that correct? Tanya: I was told that it is Daniel: Yes, that is correct Tanya: Great, thanks! Daniel: Good day!
Tanya will get her InokimZ3 Electric Scooter delivered home tomorrow between 6-10pm and she should pay 21.40€, which includes the delivery fee.
Cory: I just head youve been suffering from fever Zara: Yeah Thats why i didnt come to meet you guys Cory: How are you now? Zara: I am recovering. Hope to get better in couple of days Cory: You should take good care of yourself Zara: Yeah I will :) Cory: Teacher just gave whole class an assignment Zara: Which assignment? Cory: Economics Zara: I might not be able to complete it due to the stuation Cory: Dont worry I would do it for you Zara: Thats so nice of you :) Cory: i Wont come to college net week. and I will ask you to do mine then Zara: Sure why not :D xD Cory: Hhaha. Just get better. We would hangout together Zara: I need you to take me to starbucks Cory: Sure. Why wouldnt I? Zara: Cant wait to get well Cory: Mee too :)
Zara has a fever and she hasn't come for a meeting. Cory will do Economics assignment for Zara. In exchange, Zara will do Cory's assignment for her, next week.
Joanna: So Joanna: I am DD-ing Luke, Florence and Jason right? Luke: ye Luke: Jason is with me rn Luke: Preparing! Joanna: Ye i am just making sure Florence: Ye I am on my way to you LUke Luke: K great
Joanna will be the designated driver for Luke, Florence and Jason. Jason is with Luke. Florence is on her way to Luke.
Ann: Did you check in? Everything ok with the airbnb? Laura: Yeah, I'm here, everything's good. Waiting for you :) Ann: I'll be there soon hopefully, so far no delays ;) Laura: Awesome!
Laura checked in by using airbnb service. Ann will be there soon.
Margaret: Babe, any ideas for today's dinner? Tom: Buy beef steaks. Tom: I'll fry them and we have dinner in 10 minutes. Margaret: Good idea. We haven't eaten steaks in a while. Tom: Right. And i suddenly really feel like eating it. Margaret: Haha. I will buy things to make spaghetti tomorrow then. Tom: Aahh. That was your plan. Ok. I can eat spaghetti. Margaret: See you at home. Tom: Bye :D
Tom would like to eat beef stakes for today's dinner, so Margaret will make spaghetti tomorrow.
Sam: Hi Leah, it's your favourite former student here! How are you? Leah: Sam! How are you doing? How's Uni going? Sam: It's amazing! I love my flat, my friends and course! Leah: Oh, I'm so pleased. I know what it's like to have dodgy flatmates, from bitter experience! Sam: Well, there were a couple of pesky vegans in the flat at the beginning of term, but they decided to leave mid-Oct. We didn't argue or anything though. They were thoroughly disturbed by our burger addiction and quietly found somewhere else. Leah: Vegans are people too! Sam: Yes, maybe! Anyway, How's college going? Leah: Hectic as always! Jon is still entertaining us with his guitar playing and freestyle rapping! Sam: Oh yes, I remember us all working in the studio and him singing Bowie songs when he died. It wasn't bad! Leah: Yes, I don't mind Jon's singing, but the rapping is another story! I think he practises it in college because it annoys his wife too much! Sam: 😄 Leah: I think coming in third in that rap battle in Bristol went to his head! Hope you're working hard, my boy! Sam: Of course I am Leah, what with my 3 deadlines this month and my job at the cinema. No time for partying at the mo! Leah: I can't believe it, Sam! When I was in Poly it was all raves and glowsticks! Sam: I'd love to have seen you then! It's not the 90s anymore, Leah! We've got fees, loans and virtually no grants! It's work, work work now! Leah: I'm just kidding, I know what my nephew goes through. Sam: Anyway, just completed some new illustrations. They're on Instagram if you know what that is? Leah: Cheek! I'm not over the hill yet! I'll check them out. Sam: I saw one of your book covers again the other day, stunning! Leah: Yes, my heady days as a freelancer. I miss it sometimes, then I think of the money... Sam: Well, it's a precarious profession, isn't it? I've got all this to come. Leah: Come for a chat in the hols. I'll dig out my old contacts book, give you a few names. Sam: Thanks Leah. See you next month, probably. Bye! Leah: Bye Sam. See you soon!
Sam is Leah's former college student. He likes his university, flat and friends. He lived with some vegans before, but they moved out mid-October. Leah's college is hectic. Sam is working hard, he has 3 deadlines this month and a job at the cinema. He's also an illustrator and designed a book cover.
Amanda: Anybody wants to come to my place tonight to try rum I brought from Grenada? Tom: yes! Leo: me too Angela: me!
Tom, Leo and Angela will visit Amanda to try rum from Grenada tonight.
Paula: hi, what's up? Chris: I'm good, what's up with you? Paula: Laurie is dropping by for the weekend, you know Chris: cool! Paula: wanna hang out? Chris: sure, have you planned anything? Paula: not so much, but I was thinking we should do something new for once Chris: like what? Paula: dunno, a museum? Chris: hmmm interesting Paula: do you know any good ones? Chris: how about the Museum of chocolate? Laurie should love it haha Paula: haha! have you been there before? Chris: nope, but we can check it out Paula: <file_link> this one? Chris: yeah, I think so Paula: it's admission free on Sunday 8) Chris: perfect Paula: <file_photo> she just sent me this pic haha Chris: you guys are crazy ;) it's gonna be fun! Paula: yasss Chris: can you pick me up with your car? Paula: yeah, no problem Chris: thanks!
Laurie is visiting for the weekend. Paula, Chris and Laurie will go to the Museum of chocholate on Sunday. Paula will pick up Chris with her car.
Arabella: Are you planning to go to Misty's Magazine in the next few days? Arabella: I need some stockings. Aretha: Hi, Yes, I might go there. Aretha: Which one do you need? Arabella: Same as usual, balck, size M. Arabella: Two pairs. Aretha: Okey, no problem :) Arabella: Thx!
Aretha will get Arabella two pairs of black stockings, size M from Misty's magazine when she's there in the next few days.
Peter: Is there anything else we need? Caroline: cat food Caroline: just get the kind they like Peter: the ham one? Caroline: no! chicken Peter: ok
Peter will get cat food - chicken kind.
Jeremy: Seems I can't log into my work account today. Have you had any problems today with logging in? John: No. My one seems to be working fine. Jeremy: Strange. My one keeps on saying - no such user. John: Are you sure you're typing in the right login and password? Jeremy: Yeah, I checked it's definitely the right user name and password. John: I can't help you much on that one then. Maybe ring tech support and see what they say. Jeremy: Oh joy! Here comes 45min of hanging on the phone to speak to some numpty that probably won't solve the problem. John: Yeah, but what else can you do? Jeremy: True! I guess I better brace myself and ring the helpdesk. I've think they've grown to hate me with all the problems with that account.
Jeremy can't log into his work account today. John recommended him to call the helpdesk.
Mark: Gentlemen! I dare say it's COFFEE TIME! Luke: w00t! Jake: Sry, can't now. Mark: Y? Jake: Boss needs to talk to me. Luke: Had the talk. Don't mention coffee. Jake: Y? Mark: You'll get talked down for coffee time ;) Jake: Rly? Luke: Apparently he doesn't approve of us taking long breaks from work :P Mark: Lol Jake: Gotta go! Looking at me meaningfully! Luke: Well then, kind sir, shall we? Mark: Of course we shall! Jake: W8 for me!
Mark and Luke will take a coffee, and Jake needs to talk to the boss. He wants them to wait for him.
Brittney: sorry, i couldn't come today Alvin: i know, no problem Brittney: i really wanted to come Brittney: but i had so much homework ;( Alvin: :* Alvin: u ok? Alvin: i got the impression you're really depressed Brittney: yeah i'm not feeling too sexy... Alvin: can i help you somehow? Alvin: need a hug or sth? Brittney: i don't know, Al Brittney: i really don't know Brittney: i guess i'm just tired Brittney: all the stress at work and with the kids and now the party Brittney: it's just too much Alvin: do you need me to take care of the kids sometimes? Alvin: don't worry about the party, we'll do fine without you being there Alvin: just come to the party itself:) Alvin: it'll chill you out :) Brittney: I really don't think i'm in the mood Alvin: come on. i'll take care of the kids tomorrow afternoon, you can go to a beautician or sth Alvin: it will do you good :) Alvin: and then on friday the paaartyyyyyyy!! Brittney: you know what, maybe it's a good idea. Brittney: i'll get the kids ready by 4pm Alvin: perfect! :D Brittney: thanks hon ;* Alvin: at your service:)
Alvin will take care of Brittney's kids tomorrow afternoon. She will get them ready by 4 pm. Brittney will go to the party on Friday with Alvin.
Sylvia: I'm sorry but I will be late Bill: no problem, when will you come Sylvia: about 30 minutes, I'm sorry to keep you waiting Bill: That's ok, what pizza would you like to eat, I can order now and you will arrive for a hot meal Sylvia: You can surprise me Bill: ok, so... bacon, salami, chicken and ham.... I'm kidding, I will choose something neutral
Sylvia will be late. She will come in about 30 minutes. Bill will order pizza now.
Harry: WE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!! Patrick: YEEEEEEAH!!!! Harry: Beer? Patrick: Coming
Harry and Patrick are excited about the win. They are going to meet up for a beer.
Pete: Mom can Tino come today for a sleepover? Mom: But he was at ours only last week. Pete: A long time ago. Can he come again? Mom: I don't know. I'd have to talk to his parents first. Pete: They agreed. I've already talked to them. Mom: Peter! It is me who has to talk to them. Pete: Will you? Mom: Maybe when I get home. Pete: But he has to come today! Mom: Why "has to"? What are you two up to? Pete: Cause he has this game and we have to train to get to the next stage and we can do it only together and it's best when at night and nobody bothers us. Mom: But if he has the game, as you say, why don't you go for a sleepover to his place? Just for a change. Pete: Cause you are a better cook and his mom can only prepare pasta and I hate pasta and you always prepare good things for us and you get us this pink juice and we don't have to put on our pijamas. Mom: Pyjamas. Pete: Can he? Mom: I don't think so. Not today anyway. Now I need my time to work. Take care Pete! Pete: Mom! It's important!
Pete wants Tino to come for a sleepover today. They need to practice playing some game. Mom doesn't agree.
Sebastian: Idk what to dress up for Halloween Jack: Captain Morgan haha Sebastian: I was him a few years ago xd Jack: Really? Jack: You're lying Sebastian: No, I am not lying Jack: Well then Jack: Dress up as Captain Morgan again then Sebastian: I think I still have the costume Sebastian: No one really remembers anyway Sebastian: That I was captain Morgan Jack: exactly Sebastian: K thanks bro Jack: np
Sebastian is going to dress up for Halloween as Captain Morgan again.
Kate: Suits are on TV now! Rosie: Really? Kate: Turn tv on now! Rosie: Sure!!! Kate: <file_gif> Rosie: :)
Rosie's turning on the TV because Suits are on the air.
John: Do you know where I can buy an alternator for my motorbike? Adam: it's broken again? John: Unfortunately. Adam: I think I got a bad luck!
John is looking for a place to buy a replacement for his motorbike alternator.
Mike: I kinda forgot to sign up for Thursday morning classes Caroline: You don't need too Mike: wtf? how come? Hannah: they do that for us, Dean's office Mike: That's new. Know why? Hannah: There's just 12 of us now, it's just easier for them to make us a ready made plan Mike: That's cool, nothing to worry about Caroline: Yeah, and no choice, there is too little of us, they're just gonna sign us up for those classes that are left with places
Dean's office is going to sign Mike up for classes. It is more convenient for the office as the group is only 12 students.
Andy: Where are you? Yvonne: 5 stops away Andy: I have to go out for 10 minutes Andy: but should be back before you arrive Yvonne: ok. want me to buy you something on my way? Andy: no thanks, brb
Andy is going out for 10 minutes, but he will be back to meet Yvonne, who is 5 stops away.
Ken: When is the deadline? Joy: Today JP: Seriously?!!! I'm fucked
Today is the deadline. JP forgot about it and he's in trouble now.
Devin: have you been watching that crime show i recommended? Johnny: i have and i'm obsessed with it \ (•◡•) / Johnny: it's sooooo good, so well done Devin: how many episodes are you in? Johnny: i'm on episode 3 where marco finds out the murder weapon Johnny: i could not believe the twist!!! Devin: wait til you get to episodoe 9 Devin: your head will explode! lol
Johnny's on the third episode of the crime show Devin's recommended to him. Johnny's astonished by the action twist but Devin assures that the episode 9 will be a shocker for him.
Thomas: Where is the shop you told me about? Joseph: the bicycle workshop? Thomas: I think so, the one where they can look at my bike and told me what's wrong with the gears Richard: Crane Lane 5 Richard: But told them you bought it there, so they will feel obliged to help you Thomas: won't they recognise it's not from there? Richard: no, not at all, they've had thousands of bikes of this brand Thomas: ok!
Thomas's bicycle is broken. He will go to a bicycle workshop on Crane Lane 5.
Lara: Good morning, I'm a friend of Jenny Smith. She told me you were looking for a babysitter? Tom: Yes. We are looking for a babysitter for our 4 year old daughter. Lara: During the day or in the evenings? Tom: Mainly during our working hours, from 7:30 to 17:00, and sometimes in the evenings as well. Lara: Okey. Tom: Did you work as babysitter before? Lara: Yes. I can send you my CV and recommendations. Tom: Yes, please. Lara: <file_other> From when do you need help? Tom: From next week. Would that be okey? Lara: Yes. I could start on Monday. Would you like to meet first? Tom: Yes. Let me have a look at your CV and I'll write to you. Could we meet on Saturday or Sunday? Lara: That would be fine. So I'm waiting for your call. Tom: I'll try to call you in the evening. Lara: All right.
Lara is interested in babysitting for Tom 7:30 to 17:00 plus some evenings. Tom and Lara want to meet at the weekend so she could start on Monday. Tom will check Lara's CV and call her in the evening.
Clarence: do you think this is good enough for a date? Clarence: <file_photo> Mary: I think you look good! Mary: The hat may be a little overkill though LOL Mary: I'd leave that at home Clarence: I guess you're right ^^; I don't want to look like I tried too hard, haha...
Clarence will go on a date with the outfit Mary approved, apart from the hat.
Ricky: Did you get home fine? Noemi: Yes, thanks Ricky: It was great! you should have stayed over night, we could have had some nice sex in the morning too ;-) Noemi: I don’t stay overnight with the newly met guys Noemi: I love my bed too much… Ricky: Maybe next time in your bed then? ;-) Noemi: Who said there would be next time? ;-)
Noemi and Ricky just met. They had sex. Noemi came back home safe and sound. She wouldn't stay at Rick's. She prefers sleeping in her own bed.
Cindy: Hello! Tom: Hi there! Cindy: I'd like to invite you to our game night we're having on Wednesday :) Tom: Oh, thanks! I'm free on Wednesday :-) Cindy: Cool! Cindy: You can come with a friend Cindy: We'll be playing some board games and maybe also some Mario games on Nintendo Switch Tom: Sound wonderful! Thanks! Tom: And see you then :) Cindy: Ciao!
Cindy invites Tom for a game night on Wednesday. Tom will come.
Gavin: hey u asleep lol Chelsea: about to fall asleep Chelsea: it's 1 AM lol Gavin: oh damn I guess but shit Chelsea: I have to be up in 6hrs, I have work tomorrow Gavin: alright I guess I'm going to make it quick then Gavin: so I've been a bit sick lately. But it's been getting pretty bad lately. I've had to leave work early today. Everything is just really stressing me. Basically getting panic attacks. Chelsea: What do you think is the cause of the attacks? Anything specific at work? Gavin: I dunno man, just everything I guess. I've been thinking about grandma a lot lately so that's definitely intensifying it Chelsea: Well I definitely think you need to talk about it. You can't just keep running away from this stuff. It'll come up one way or another. Gavin: I'm not running away. Chelsea: Well you know if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Just I don't think having these convos over messenger is the best thing. We can talk on the phone. I think that would be better. Gavin: yeah, I know. thanks. I feel better now. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Chelsea: Yeah, Gavin. Take care.
It's 1 AM and Chelsea is about to go to sleep. She has work tomorrow. Gavin feels stressed lately and is having panic attacks. He doesn't know the reason for them. He is thinking about his grandmother a lot. Chelsea recommends that he should talk about it, but not over messenger.
William: Hey mum, where is the cake you baked yesterday? Ava: hmm..why do you need it? William: Well I just came back from school with Tasha and we could use something sweet you know:D Ava: I see lovebirds <3 <3 <3 William: stop mum! Ava: the cake is in th pantry room :D
Ava baked a cake yesterday and now it's in the pantry room, so William will have it together with Tasha as they just came back from school.
Cate: Good morning Trevor: Good morning, Miss. What can I do for you? Cate: I want to visit your shop and look at some of your cloth for a suit. Trevor: Certainly, Miss. Any particular colour? Cate: Yes, I want a dark brown. Trevor: It is for lounge suit? Cate: An ordinary lounge suit, like the one i was wearing the first time we met. Trevor: Ooh i remember. Cate: But this time round, i want a heavier material. Trevor: okay but it is a little more expensive but it is worth extra money. Cate: What is the price? Trevor: Rs. 65 a yard-double width. Cate: How much should I require for a suit? Trevor: Four yards will be ample. That should be Rs. 260 for the suit length. Cate: And what do you charge for making? Trevor: Rs. 100, and Rs. 35 for lining, buttons, etc. Cate: I see; Rs. 395 altogether. I think I will take it. Trevor: Very good, sir, I will take you measurements tomorrow once you come. Also you can try the suit on Monday. It should be ready by then. Cate: Let me see. I am afraid Monday will be awkward. Shall we say Tuesday? Trevor: Very good, sir. It will be ready for you on Tuesday. Are there any further inquiries you would like to make? Cate: I think it is all good. Thank you. and see you tomorrow Trevor: Good Bye. Cate: Bye
Cate is buying a dark brown suit for RS 395. She will visit the shop on Tuesday.
Nola: Hey, it says on your profile you’re the member of VolunTEER organization Matthew: True, how can I help you? Nola: I wanted to ask, how can I apply Matthew: It’s easy, visit our website and choose Apply, it will guide you through the process Nola: Thanks a lot!
Nola wants to apply to VolunTEER organization.
Jake: Do you still live in the Warsaw area? Greg: If that big ugly soviet building called the Palace of Culture and Science that I see out of the window is placed in Warsaw, then yes, I am ;) Jake: Come on, it's awesome, it's gigantic. :) Greg: Not when you have to see it everyday... Jake: We're (most likely) coming for a visit with my girlfriend in April. Jake: Sightseeing and pestering Mart. :) Greg: Pestering Mart sounds like fun! Greg: How long do you plan to stay in this forsaken city of doom? Jake: Oh, three nights only. Greg: Anything planned beside pestering Mart? Jake: Not yet, just decided that we should definitely visit. :) Greg: Well if nothing surprising happens, I should be in Warsaw in April, so there will always be a chance to meet and pester Mart together ;) Jake: That would be great. :)
Jake lives in Warsaw and Jake is most likely coming there with his girlfriend in April for three nights.
Jada: at least starting from next week I don't have to wake up at this stupid hour anymore 😁 Latoya: Hahaha Latoya: Yeah that´s definitely a blessing Jada: What makes me even more happy is your departure soon 😈 Jada: If I can't leave in a dust of smoke at least you can ;) Latoya: Hahaha Latoya: Yeah it's going to happen Latoya: I want to leave soon.. now even more than before Jada: So have you decided? Latoya: Yes :) Latoya: That's what I want Jada: Well the people running the company don't seem to be very nice people.. Jada: You can do much better :) Jada: ⭐ Jada: Will you be heading down to Algarve? Latoya: Yes :) Jada: That's great! I'll have to come and see you :) Latoya: Yes for sure anytime 🤩
Jada is leaving. Latoya has decided to leave her job and will be heading to the Algarve.
Tenley: charger for ip pls Woodrow: dont use that crap Peak: yeah exactly samsung rulezz!!!
Tenley needs a charger for ip. Neither Woodrow nor Peak would use it.
Mike: dude, wendy has grown prettier Dave:😂😂👍 Mike:😍😍 Dave: i know right? Mike: yeah, since she came from Houston, she looks like an angel Dave: i'll have to hit on her soon Mike: haha, stay off, i hear Jerry is her lover Dave: really😕 Mike: yeah Dave: since when Mike: haha, i dont know, but you can push your luck Dave: haha, i will Mike:😉 good luck Dave: yeah, ill need it
Micke and Dave think Wendy has become prettier since she came back from Houston. Jerry is Wendy's lover. Dave will hit on Wendy.
Caz: Car seems ok so I'm gong to shoot over to Coventry tomorrow afternoon to visit dad in the nursing home.. fingers crossed I'm not crying on the side of the road again xxx I cant wait to get away again xx AJ: Heres to another cruise Caz: Til our next one lol AJ: I'm hoping we will be having another very soon xxx Caz: I nearly bought us one for April.. 7 nights to Portugal 780 pp AJ: We can look for another over the weekend if you want xxx Caz: Now we know.. we can sit and work out the sunny side of the ship before we book lol AJ: I get some great bargain price emails xx Caz: When do you have to put your holidays in or are they pretty flexible? AJ: They are fairly flexible and there are only 4 of us controllers so next year is clear so far xxx Caz: We will chat about it at the weekend then xxx AJ: Ok babe, I should be off to bed soon for my 3am alarm 🙄xxx Caz: Ok darling sleep good xxx AJ: Night night babe xxx
Caz is going to Coventry tomorrow afternoon to visit dad. Caz and AJ want to chat about their holidays at the weekend. AJ has to get up at 3 am.
Susan: Can't wait to get home and hug youuu. George: Me too babe :) Susan: I'm leaving early today, almost finished with work. George: I'll be waiting for you Susan:😚
Susan is finishing work early today.
Maria: When is Branwell coming? Ann: tomorrow! Emily: Finally! Maria: We should make a welcome party for him Elisabeth: yes, in the garden! Maria: Ann and Emily, could you take care of food? Ann: Sure, Emily will bake a cake Emily: With pleasure! Elisabeth: I'll prepare the garden, some Chinese lantern and candles Ann: It'll be beautiful! Maria: I will bring him from the railway station and contact his friends. Maria: he's not expecting anything. I'm sure! Ann: Ok, so let's keep it secret then Maria: Perfect!
Elisabeth will prepare the garden, Ann and Emily will make food and Maria will bring Barnwell from the railway station for his surprise welcome party.
Mackenzie: what do u think? Mackenzie: <file_photo> Anne: it’s fucking beautiful! Mackenzie: ikr!!!!!! Dakota: I’m really jelly ;( Mackenzie: you can borrow it ❤ Anne: what about me? Mackenzie: you too 😀
Mackenzie asks Anne and Dakota about their opinion about it. They are excited. Mackenzie allows them to borrow it.
Samuel: hey, have you taken the algebra final exam? Adam: just did Samuel: really? Adam: yeah, just walked out of the classroom Samuel: i'm taking it in a couple of hours and haven't had any chance to study for it Adam: it's not that hard, don't sweat it Samuel: how many questions are there? Adam: 15 Samuel: do you remember what they were? Adam: not really Samuel: you just took the exam!!! did you forget already? Adam: you'll be asked to graph some equations using the quadratic formula... Samuel: what else?! Adam: there's also some absolute value inequalities Samuel: are there exponentials? Adam: yes Samuel: oh no!!! I'm freaking out, i don't think i'm prepared to take it Adam: calm down, you'll be fine Samuel: i think i'll talk to the professor and see if i can take it next week Adam: good luck with that
Adam has just taken the algebra final exam. There were 15 questions. They concerned quadratic formula, absolute value inequalities and exponentials. Samuel wants to take the exam next week.
Harry: have you seen her today? Draco: yup Draco: she was dressed like a bitch Harry: and...?! Draco: and what? Harry: what will you do? Draco: nothing Draco: why should i? Harry: she is your girlfriend! Draco: she WAS my girlfriend Harry: ok, but you still love her Draco: to be honest, i did Draco: and than i saw her today Draco: and puff Draco: all the feelings are gone :D Harry: really? Draco: really, she is a disaster
Draco has seen his ex today and all his remaining feelings disappeared.
Shawn: good morning! Shawn: i just wanted to let you know how much i enjoyed your party last night :-D Carrie: thanks!! i'm glad you had fun :-) Shawn: everyone did, you're a great hostess! Shawn: throwing parties is hard work though, next time it's your turn! lol
Carrie enjoyed Shawn's party last night.
Tori: done with homework? Peter: still stuck on math Tori: that was a pain for me as well Peter: why are we even doing this? Tori: you'll have to learn it before the exam anyway Tori: so what's the difference? Peter: trust me I'll forget about it before the exam Tori: that is your problem ;) Tori: anyway, hurry up with this and log in Peter: give me a break, it's not like I'm doing it on purpose :P Tori: yeah, yeah
Peter has not done his Math homework yet. Tori encourages his to do it because it will help him prepare for his exams.
Jake: Dude pick up your phone Sam: Ugh, sorry, had it on silent Sam: what's up? Jake: I am checking out restaurants for tomorrow Sam: oh right, is anything available? Jake: not really :/ Sam: it is a little late Jake: So I thought we could order some sushi and pizza Jake: you know so that the girls don't have to cook Sam: Sure, sounds great Jake: Ok look at these sushi sets Jake: number 5? Sam: How many people are coming? Jake: 8 Sam: I would go for 5 and 7 then. Just to be sure Jake: Ok how many pizzas? Sam: damn it would be better not to decide right now Jake: I know Sam: 6? Jake: ok!
Jake can't find a restaurant for tomorrow. Sam and Jake are ordering sushi sets no. 5 and 7, and 6 pizzas for 10 people.
Tony: What about this? <file_picture> Lisa: What's that? Looks really tasty. Ruby: Is that the pork cutlet with avocado and salad? Tony: The one and only :) Lisa: Contains avocado? Out of the question. He won't even come near one. Ruby: Well, he's actually quite choosy. Tony: You can say that again. Lisa: I really need your help. Have u got any other ideas? Ruby: How about this? <file_photo> Tony: That's really tasty and simple :) if u like spicy food :) Lisa: He actually loves it. The spicier the better :) What is it? Ruby: Chipotle chicken fajitas! Lisa: Okay, let's check if I have everything: Ruby: chicken breasts, cumin, chilli powder, salt, pepper, oil, bell pepper, onion, mushrooms, garlic cloves, chipotles, lime juice and cheddar. Tony: Don't forget the tortillas! Lisa: Okay, I don't have the chipotles, but regular jalapenos will do. And instead of tortillas, he'll get plain bread. Ruby: I think that'll do. Lisa: How much time do I need? Tony: More or less 30 mins. Lisa: More than enough! Okay, can you send me the recipe? Ruby: Here you go <file_other> Lisa: Thanks! I don't know what I would've done without the both of you! Tony: Well-fed husband, happy husband ;) Ruby: Rotlf Lisa: I'm just printing it out and making small corrections. Tony: Tell us later how he managed to cook it! Ruby: Actually, pretty curious myself ;) Lisa: Don't worry, will do :) thanks again!
Ruby sent Lisa a recipe for Chipotle chicken fajitas.
Sara: check this out <file_other> :D Josh: Woah! looks good! Sara: not too expensive, 3 rooms:P Josh: but isn't it too far? Sara: no, I don't think so... Josh: google maps says it's around 30 min to my office... Sara: that's not far! Sara: you can even get there by bike then! Sara: I'll call the owner ok? Josh: kk
Sara and Jason are looking for a flat. The one Sara found is not far from Josh's office. She will contact the owner.
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